I’m so proud of all of our students that participated in the kickathon learning to donate is such and important life skill. And can have such a great impact.
Im always proud of your students skills in Martial arts, Kids Martial Arts Classes, Karate, Taekwondo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. But even more proud when I see them using the lifeskills that Martial arts teaches because those will be with my students forever.
Do you realize that by donating just one hour a week to charity, you can do your part to help feed the homeless? It might sound like a small effort, but it will make a big impact. In order for our society to thrive we have to care for each other and ourselves. By looking out for each other, we are looking out for ourselves. There are many reasons why donating is an important thing to do for your local community.
This is one of the reasons im so proud of our students learning and participation in this event. These kind of events can slowly make a big difference. If you look at the world as a big community, each and every one of us plays a role in keeping it running. By donating your time and effort to help out the less fortunate in your community you are doing all that you can to keep it running. Critical Care Comics is such a great charity in Las Vegas charity that im so happy we had a chance to help their organization with a mission, to help children in Las Vegas.
Whys is Volunteering so important.
1. It makes you feel good
By donating small amounts of money to your community you are helping them out, and you don't have to spend a lot of money on it. You can do this by simply walking around your area and seeing if there is any place that needs help. Chances are there isn't any, but if it is close then you can give what little bit of money you have. It will save the person from having to go through something much worse than giving up one hour once a week. It will help them because they will feel more grateful to you if they know that you were looking out for them.
2. Helps in overall community growth
By donating to charity you can do your part to help the poor in your community. You will be helping them out. By giving them food, money, and other such things you can give them a little boost to continue on in life so that they don't end up getting sick from not having enough money or food. If people know that you donated time and effort to help them out, they will never feel the need to look at you negatively. This will improve the overall health of your area because people will be more likely to get along with each other and be happier. This helps the community grow and that is a good thing.
3. Strengthens personal values
The way that you donate your time and effort can shape how you view yourself. Oftentimes, people will look at the amount of money they receive as a type of reward. If they were to donate their time, they might not feel as good about themselves when they get back home. It is important to understand that donating your time and effort is a much bigger reward than the amount of money you receive for it.
PS if you would like to donate to critical care comics - Critical Care Comics Las Vegas